Brain Hacks for Business Growth with ST Rappaport

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When problems feel like they’re coming at you with a vengeance, it’s really tough not to get overwhelmed and stress about the outcomes. It can even make you feel like you’re losing control of your business, for most of us it’s in this heightened state that productivity stops. 

But that ends today! In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of optimizing your biggest asset (your mind!) with a fellow efficiency nerd, ST Rappaport, a brain engineer who helps high-achieving entrepreneurs unleash their potential through peak brain performance.

Meet The Guest

Yeah… you read that right: BRAIN ENGINEER and entrepreneur in one sentence! 

Not only is ST Rappaport, someone who studied how to unlock your brain potential through science-backed optimization strategies, but she also has a wealth of experience working with high-achieving entrepreneurs. 

Obviously, I’m excited AF because brain hacks are my jam, and ST is going to ease us through the invisible blockers that might be getting in your way of operating your business easily. 

These invisible blockers sabotaging your businesses, as ST explains, often stem from inefficient mental patterns related to areas like focus, decision-making, stress management, and communication. This can cause disempowering mindsets to creep in, cause overwhelm, procrastination, and reduce efficiency.

Through personalized assessments of cognitive strengths and weaknesses, ST helps individuals recognize these limiting beliefs and habits holding them back. Customized programs then provide mental "hacks" to eliminate inefficient neurological pathways and form empowering alternatives. This helps to shift the mind and body into a state of ease, flow, and enhanced productivity. 

With internal "blockers" removed, outer goals look achievable rather than a hassle or imposing unrealistic demands. Her approach shows how optimizing our most important asset - the mind - is the secret to sustainable business growth and ultra-efficiency.

But you don’t have to take my word for it, check out the whole episode with ST Rappaport on the Boss Your Business Podcast yourself, and discover some cool ways to optimize your thinking skills plus use it as your ultimate leverage to achieve your biggest goals!

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🏆 Highlights 🏆

00:00 | Introduction
05:38 | Brain Exercises To Elevate Thinking Skills
09:25 | How A Brain Engineer Reinvents Your Mindset
10:18 | Thinking Skills Persists Throughout Your Life
12:19 | Categorization Streamlines Thoughts And Saves You Time
15:20 | Categorization Tips And Techniques For Beginners


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Brain Hacks for Business Growth with ST Rappaport
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